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Some Ohio gun owners could face weapons crimes for concealment

It is permissible in Ohio to carry concealed firearms as long as the individual doing so has a valid license. Unfortunately, last year, authorities discovered that two firearms instructors here in the state allegedly falsified records that resulted in numerous gun owners receiving a concealed carry permit illegally. Some of those owners could end up facing charges for weapons crimes if they carry their weapons concealed without a valid license to do so.

Reportedly, the number of license revocations went up dramatically in 2018, and that trend may continue this year due to this situation. Evidence seems to indicate that one of the instructors no longer had the requisite qualifications to train others in the use of firearms, let alone to sign off on concealed carry licenses. One source says this affects at least 270 people while another says it affects closer to 700 people, if not more since the total number is not yet known.

The Ohio law requires a full eight hours of training -- six in the classroom and two on the range -- in order to receive a certificate for a concealed carry license. Without the state-mandated training, the certificate is not valid. This means that gun owners in possession of an invalid permit could end up facing charges that potentially include jail time, fines and other penalties.

An individual who suspects he or she did not receive a license legally may want to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it is possible to face charges for weapons crimes that could jeopardize not only the right to carry a concealed weapon, but also to own firearms at all. Before taking any action, individuals in this situation should gain an understanding of their rights, responsibilities and legal options.

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